Olerex Plus is an ID-card-based loyalty program of AS Olerex which is meant for private customers.

The personal data submitted upon joining the loyalty program and the purchase history are protected and processed pursuant to the requirements of the Personal Data Protection Act for gathering and analysing data mentioned in these terms and conditions, for making conclusions and offers and for carrying out contests.

The chief processor of the data is AS Olerex (registry code 10136870, Võru 79, 50112 Tartu).



1. General provisions and definitions

1.1.    The general terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as Terms and Conditions) of the loyalty card of AS Olerex shall be applied to a Customer who has joined the Olerex Plus loyalty program created by AS Olerex (hereinafter referred to as Olerex).

1.2.    Definitions used in the Terms and Conditions of the loyalty card:

Fuel station – a manned service station or an automatic fuel station bearing the Olerex trademark which has joined the loyalty program (http://olerex.ee/era/asukohad-ja-lisateenused).

Loyalty card – ID-card of Customer issued in the Republic of Estonia and registered as the loyalty card of Olerex Plus loyalty program.

Customer – owner of the loyalty card who has joined the loyalty program.

Customer account – account of the Customer in the web environment of Olerex self-service (https://iseteenindus.olerex.ee/) or in the mobile application of Olerex which keeps account of the collected bonuses and purchase history.

Loyalty program – a loyalty program intended for the private customers of Olerex which includes the following benefits:

  • a discount of 2.4 cents per litre;
  • each 6th hot beverage is free of charge;
  • each 6th pastry product is free of charge;
  • each 6th warm food is free of charge;
  • each 6th car wash is free of charge.
    It is possible to see the valid benefits of the loyalty program at http://olerex.ee/era/lojaalsusprogramm

Terms and Condition – the present general terms and conditions of Olerex Plus loyalty program.

2.    Terms and conditions for joining the loyalty program

2.1.    The terms and conditions of the loyalty program can be read at (http://olerex.ee/era/lojaalsusprogramm). In order to join the loyalty program, one must fill an application form or use an ID-card reader for reading the personal data and agree to the Terms and Conditions.

2.2.    Joining the loyalty program is free of charge for the Customer.

2.3.    If the Customer wishes to receive information on the offers of the loyalty card via e-mail, he/she shall express such a wish when joining the loyalty program and shall thereby grant his/her consent for receiving offers and newsletters.

3.    Terms and conditions of loyalty card and loyalty program

3.1.    The loyalty card is personal and intended to be used only by the Customer.

3.2.    The Customer can use the loyalty card benefits in all fuel stations which offer the respective service or product. A discount of at least 2.4 cents per litre and each 6th hot beverage, pastry product, warm food and car wash is free of charge for the Customer.

  1. The loyalty program shall not apply to the campaign or discount products.

3.4.    The calculation of the loyalty program discounts and free products begins on the date of launching the loyalty program, that is on 18 September 2017 at 12:01 a.m.

3.5.    In order to obtain the loyalty program discounts and free products, the Customer must enter his/her loyalty card in the payment terminal before paying for the purchase.

3.6.    The 6th free of charge product earned based on the loyalty program is available for the Customer as of the next purchase after one and the same product has been purchased five times. Free product shall be made available within 24 hours at maximum.

3.7.    Olerex reserves the right to change the Terms and Conditions unilaterally. On 31 December 2018, the Terms and Conditions of the loyalty program shall be reviewed and Olerex has the right to make changes in the loyalty program thereafter. The changes of and additions to the Terms and Conditions shall be notified at www.olerex.ee. The changes of and additions to the Terms and Conditions shall enter into force at the moment of publication of the respective change or addition on the aforementioned website or at another time specified in the Terms and Conditions. The Terms and Conditions are valid in the version published on the website www.olerex.ee.

3.8.    Olerex shall not be liable for the possible damages stemming from the changes (including decrease of discounts) and shall not be obligated to compensate the Customer for the damages in any way.

3.9.    The Customer can obtain information on the made purchases and collected products in the fuel station, in the self-service environment of private customers at www.iseteenindus.olerex.ee or in the Olerex mobile application. Information on the purchases made using the loyalty card shall only be disclosed to the Customer.

4.   Processing personal data

4.1.    By joining the loyalty program, the Customer has confirmed his/her consent for the processing of non-sensitive personal data by Olerex for the purposes mentioned in the Terms and Conditions.

4.2.    The chief processor of the personal data of the Customer is AS Olerex (registry code 10136870, Võru 79, 50112 Tartu).

4.3.    Personal data of the Customer shall only be processed in the course of Olerex Plus loyalty program for the purposes of preparing sales statistics and organising direct marketing.  In the course of the loyalty card program, sensitive personal data of the Customer shall not be collected or processed.

4.4.    Upon processing personal data, the chief processor of personal data undertakes to adhere to the Personal Data Protection Act, comply with the requirements of confidentiality and not to disclose the personal data of the Customer to third persons.

4.5.    If the Customer has expressed his/her wish to receive information on offers, the chief processor may use the data of the Customer for making offers and forward the personal data of the Customer to, for example, a provider of communication, IT and postal service for fulfilling the aforementioned purpose.

4.6.    The Customer has, in connection with his/her personal data, all of the rights stemming from the Personal Data Protection Act, including the right to obtain personal data concerning him/her, the right to demand the correction of inaccurate personal data and the termination of the processing of the personal data and the right to prohibit, at all times, communication of data to third persons for organising the research of consumer habits or direct marketing.  The Customer shall submit a respective written request to e-mail address info@olerex.ee.

5.   Other terms and conditions

5.1.   Possible differences shall be settled via negotiations between the parties. Upon failure to reach an agreement, the Customer has the right to address the Estonian Consumer Protection Board or the court of the Republic of Estonia to protect his/her rights. The disputes are settled based on the legislation valid in the Republic of Estonia.  

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